Friday, November 14, 2008

David came to me the other day and said "Mommy what is my phone number?" So I told him. Later Brian and I hear him repeating it over and over in his room, every now and then coming out to double check he still had it right. He basically memorized our phone number all on his own. Later I was telling him how I was proud of how he practiced and leaned our number, just to find out the only reason he wanted to memorize it was so that he could give it to a girl he rides the bus with so she could call him! Oh brother!


Kensie said...

And he'll be a heartbreaker for sure!! Just don't give him your credit card number! LOL!

bri said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Was All I could think of. That is toooooo funny! Such a charmer he is!

kathy Strickland said...

And so it begins...David wants someone other than his Granny or Mommy to call him.

Kensie said...

Since you are the expert with boys, PLEASE tell me the diaper secret! He pees out of his diaper all the time. And you're right, the little guy has more than pee that he wants to share with us! LOL!